SSM Health St. Louis is a renowned health group in St. Louis, Missouri, that is devoted to providing comprehensive health services to its local community. With eight hospitals, nearly 2,500 doctors on staff and 11,500 employees, this health group is dedicated to addressing the health needs of its patients.
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's top providers of affordable, high-quality health care and the largest provider of sex education in the country. Patients can always come to SSM Health St. Louis for medical care regardless of their insurance status. If you're concerned about the cost of medical care, you may be eligible for low-cost or no-cost services.
Let us know if you need an interpreter when you schedule your appointment. If you don't have insurance, you may qualify for a state-funded program or a lower rate scale. Ask us how you can get health care that fits your budget. We understand that many of our patients are caregivers and may need to bring children to their appointment. Children can accompany you throughout your appointment.
If you need a sensitive exam, such as a pelvic exam, you can decide to have your child or children in the exam room with you or in the waiting room. Children ages 9 and older can wait in the waiting room unaccompanied during the exam while children under 9 years old must be accompanied by another adult. You can also come to SSM Health St. Louis for services that don't require a medical exam such as education and supplies on contraceptive methods; emergency contraception (also known as the morning-after pill); pregnancy tests and counseling; screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and tests and treatments for urinary tract infections. Your birth control pills may be mailed to you. Pills by Mail is available at this health group, a service that delivers birth control pills to your home every month.
Enter your age and the first day of your last period for more accurate abortion options. Your information is private and anonymous. Affinia Healthcare provides reliable health services through highly qualified and dedicated professionals in our diverse locations. These providers, who work together with our dedicated staff and volunteers, have received their training and certifications from some of the most prestigious programs in the country. If you need medical assistance after hours, call 314-833 2758 for more information. Affinia Healthcare School's health services provide primary and behavioral health care in the school community, with the goal of improving student attendance and academic performance, and helping students and families in the area improve their health and well-being. Affinia Healthcare is proud to support the LGBTQ community and provides essential services to patients regardless of their ability to pay.
Use the link below to learn more about our sliding rate scale. Call Affinia Healthcare today to schedule an appointment and get access to quality healthcare services in St. Louis, Missouri.